Renewable Energy Park of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna is founded as a research Centre for facilitating Research and Development in the renewable energy sector for University and community.
Nowadays power generation companies are moving to renewable energy based power generations. Even people have their own solar photovoltaic (PV) cell based power generation system in homes. The new trend has come as the capital investment for these power generation has significantly reduced.
Killinochi district has a lot of potential for Solar PV, Solar thermal and wind power generations. In order to engage in renewable energy research and facilitate renewable energy based power generation in Killinochi, we set up a renewable energy park at University of Jaffna. Faculty Board appointed Dr. K. Ahilan as coordinator for renewable energy park.
Solar measuring station
We have our own Solar measuring station at Faculty of Engineering, and it was donated by Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA).
In order to engage in renewable energy research, Data such as solar irradiation, wind speed, humidity, temperature are required. Our Solar measuring station data logger captures device voltage, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, hygro/ thermo temperature, barometer air pressure, pyranometer-diffused solar irradiance, pyranometer global solar irradiance, silicon analog voltage. These captured are used by students and staffs for their research. The following graphs were generated using captured sensor data.
Roof top Solar PV power plant
Asian Development Bank (ADB) donated 60kW Solar PV power plant for us and it was installed at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. This was primarily built for demonstration purposes and research purposes.
A total of 240 number of 250W poly-crystalline solar modules have been installed to generate the intended capacity. This plan built using both String (55kW) and Micro inverter (5kW) technologies. This system also includes advance monitoring facilities to monitor various performance such as solar irradiance and weather related parameters. These captured data are used for research purposes.
55kW Wind power plant
We have 5kW wind power plant at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. This was donated by Wind Power Pvt Ltd (CEO of the company). The 5kW wind power system technology is similar to Palai wind turbine technology. This will be under operation in near future.
Solar thermal power plant
The Engineering Faculty of University of Jaffna (UoJ) has initiated the conceptual development of a Center for Excellence (CoE) in Solar Research. The Solar thermal center will be equipped with latest testing equipment on measuring solar irradiance as well as other parameters. In future, 300kW Solar thermal power plant will be installed at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
- 10th August 2017 – Inauguration of centre of excellence in power generation using solar technologies was held at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
- 8th April 2017 – Demonstration & handing over ceremony of the 60kw solar power pilot project was held at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
Monthly Performance of 60kW Rooftop Solar System: July 2019