The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Jaffna has already launched the online registration procedure. Please click on the links of “students” and “students registration” to proceed the registration. This will avoid unnecessary delay during the registration. Mr. S. Arunan, from the Department of Computer Engineering, prepared this registration arrangement. The faculty staff team of the registration committee worked together to minimize the time taken for student registration to one and half minutes per student and it is expected to be reduced further in future. The second batch is expected to complete their registration by submitting all relevant documents between 10:00a.m.and 12:00noon on 26th November 2014 at the Faculty of Engineering, Kilinochchi.
Dr. V. Cynthujah joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering.

Dr. V. Cynthujah received her PhD degree from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia in 2014. She received BSc. Eng. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with first class honours from University of Peradeniya (UOP), Sri Lanka in 2010. She was a researcher and demonstrator in University of Peradeniya, from 2010-2011 and a write-up scholar and teaching assistant in QUT, Australia from May 2014 to November 2014.
Registration of the second batch students held on 26th November 2014

Second batch of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna has completed the registration for the degree program on 26th November 2014. Noticeably, 98% of the students from the list which was sent by UGC, registered this time. The orientation program for the registered students is being conducted, since 1st of December for 5 weeks. Continue reading
A team of students participated International Symposium on Energy held at BMICH Colombo

Faculty students guided by three staff members, Dr. A. Anburuvel, Ms. H. Krishnarajah and Mr. Kamalaruban, attended the conference of Better Air Quality (BAQ) and Environmental Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum 2014 conducted jointly by UNCRD, Clean Air Asia, GIZ – Sustainable Urban Transport Project in collaboration with Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority at BMICH on 21st of November 2014. Continue reading
A team of students participated “X-BOTIX Robotic Challenge – 2014” competition

XbotiX 14 is the robotic competition organized by Electrical and Information Engineering Society, IEEE Student Branch, University of Ruhuna and IET Ruhuna Chapter, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, in which the innovative and best young minds within the country to compete head to head to accomplish a unique task using self-designed robots. Continue reading
Dr. Anburuvel attended the pre-event on Scaling up Sustainable Transport Solutions to improve Quality of Life in Cities
Dr. A. Anburuvel attended a training program on “Scaling up Sustainable Transport Solutions to improve Quality of Life in Cities” at BMICH on 18th November 2014. The program is one of the pre-events of the conference of Better Air Quality (BAQ) and Environmental Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum 2014, was jointly organized by UNCRD, Clean Air Asia, GIZ – Sustainable Urban Transport Project in collaboration with Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority. Continue reading
Talent Show held on 12th November 2014

The first batch of engineering students have successfully organized and played a talent show. All the staff of the Faculty of Engineering and top level officers from the industries of Sanken Construction Pvt. Ltd., MAS Intimates Vidiyal and MAS Active Vaanavil are invited for this event. It was a fantastic evening with excellent performance from the students. Continue reading
Dr. Roshan Ragel helps to develop the curriculum for the Department of Computer Engineering

Dr. Roshan Ragel was visiting the Faculty from November 2013 onwards, time to time to help with the curriculum development of the Department of Computer Engineering. By February 2014, the first three semester syllabus was completed. Currently, we are finalizing the last five semester syllabus. He recently visited the Faculty and stayed for three days from 3rd November till 5th November 2014. He was leading the team to develop curriculum of the Department of Computer Engineering. He has gone through the curriculum and detail syllabus of the Computer Engineering program with the Faculty staff members during this visit. Continue reading
Book donation by Prof V. Navaratnarajah to the Library
Professor V. Navaratnarajah donated 165 books to the Library of the Faculty of Engineering on 16th October 2014. Further, he donated another 45 books through Prof. K. Kandasamy to the Library to support newly commencing technology stream in the University of Jaffna.
Prof V. Navaratnarajah and two technical officers were appointed by the University in 1990, to work on related matters on establishing the Faculty of Engineering. Continue reading
Talk on “Water for all by 2015 – 2030”

The presenter Nimal Gunawardena is a Senior Professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Peradeniya (UoP), Sri Lanka. He has obtained M.Sc and PhD in Soil and Water Engineering from Cranfield University in UK. He has been involved in capacity building activities in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) since 2002 with the introduction of IWRM postgraduate programme at the Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture at UoP. Continue reading