Dr. Kumar is JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations University (UNU-IAS) in Tokyo, Japan. He has arrived Sri Lanka to attend the conference on Sri Lanka-Japan collaborative research 2014 held at Kandy, Sri Lanka. He visited Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna during 16th – 19th December 2014. He has delivered a guest lecture for first year undergraduates on 17th December 2014.

He is interested to focus his research on Kilinochchi ground water. He and Mr. D.S. Sampath together discussed with Deputy Director – Irrigation, Director-Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Assistant Commissioner, Department of Agrarian Development and some other relevant officers. He conducted several field visits to Iranamadu, Kalmadu schemes and few other schemes and conducted few interviews with villages about quality of groundwater. He has focused his attention especially on wells (Dug and tube) and visited many wells including wells in Kilinochchi University premises. He was guided by Prof. Srikantha Herath and Prof. S. B. Weerakoon and Mr. D.S. Sampath helped him regarding his research activities.