Rohan Jayasundara is one of the very experienced people from the University of Waterloo, served several years and earned a great reputation for Undergraduate teaching from his students. Mugunthan graduated from the University of Peradeniya and obtained his PhD from Ryerson University, Canada and currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow attached to the Department of Mechnical and Mechatronics Engineering at University of Waterloo. Both of them visited the Faculty of Engineering on 25th June 2015 and held a discussion with the staff members. It was a wonderful presentation from Rohan on sharing his teaching and evaluation experience with our staff members. Several levels of evaluations with examples shown in his presentation gave a deep understanding on different levels.
Further, possible research opportunities at the University of Waterloo were also discussed. In Mugunthan’s presentation the state of the art Nano-technology applications were discussed.