Department of Civil Engineering successfully conducted a CPD course for the technical officers of Road Development Department (RDD). The course was conducted for nine days during the vacation period of the Faculty of Engineering between 22nd May 2015 and 25th July 2015. Dr. A. Anburuvel, the resource person of the course, designed and conducted the course on the request of Mr. S. Meihandan, Deputy Team Leader, Vic Roads, and International Project.

Certificate awarding ceremony for those who successfully completed the course was held at the Faculty of Engineering on 24th July 2015. The following gentlemen attended the event and graced the occasion: Dean, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Anburuvel, Mr. A.E.S. Rajendra, Deputy Chief Secretary – Engineering, Eng. T. Sivarajalingam, Provincial Director RDD, Mr. Robert Smith, Team Leader Vic Roads International Project, Mr. S. Meihandan Deputy Team Leader Vic Roads International Project, Eng. V. Jegananthan, Chief Engineer RDD. There were 35 technical officers trained successfully through this program.