The Sri Lankan Universities are in the process of giving expertise services to promoteMicro, Small, and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSME). The University of Jaffna also took this initiative directed by the UGC very positively. For this the Faculty of Engineering, even though it is with a very small team, took action in par with other Faculties. It has been notified that the existing MSMEs need help from professionals to boost their businesses. Currently they are mostly with the traditional mode of operation. Therefore the Jaffna University has come forward to use its resources and expertise to locate, and identify complications in the MSMEs within their region and provide solutions for them. By this it is intended to strengthen ties between the University and the Mercantile Enterprises with a common goal of improving the regional Economy.
For the long term development point of view it is good to establish an official path to do this service. As a result it was decided to start the University Business Linkage (UBL) cell at the University linking all faculties. From the Faculty of Engineering, Mr. R. Valluvan is nominated to contribute his time for it. Valluvan participated in a two-day workshop on drafting the constitution for the UBL cell at the University of Jaffna. This was organized by the GIZ with the help of a German expert. This is one of several workshops conducted by the GIZ, which started in October 2015.