The HETC (Higher Education for Twenty-first Century) organized a series of workshops and seminars in 2015 to update the Quality Enhancement (QE) process for introducing the establishment of the Internal Quality Enhancement Cell (IQEC). After the successful completion of workshops the programmed review manual was launched to all Universities on 31st December 2015. Dr. P. Kathirgamanathan attended this book launching ceremony as the chairman of the Quality Enhancement Cell of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
Visit of undergraduate students’ team from Queensland, Australia

Dr. Wijitha Senadeera from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia and his research team made a visit to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna in December 2015. The Faculty staff members had a fruitful discussion with this research team on possible research opportunities for the undergraduates and staff members especially the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and the Head, Department of Interdisciplinary studies.
Third year Civil Engineering students visited irrigation systems in Northern Province

Third year civil engineering students of university of Jaffna visited irrigation systems in Northern Province on 30th Dec 2015. They have visited Vishwamadu, Kalmadu and Iranamadu irrigation schemes. This field visit was organized by Mr. Saliya Sampath. Students got the opportunity to view reservoirs and related structures such as canal, cross drainage and irrigation structures during the field visit.
Dr. S.S. Sivakumar and Mr. Saliya Sampath attended a seminar at Peradeniya

Dr. Sivakumar and Sampath attended a seminar on “Capacity Improvement on Research Engagement” at Earl’s Regent hotel at Peradeniya 28th December 2015. This was sponsored by the NORAD WaSo Project attached to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. Lectures was conducted in following topics: (i) ‘How to Get My Paper Published’, (ii) ‘How to Find Funding Opportunities’, (iii) ‘How to Write Winning Project Proposals’, (iv) ‘Experience of Engagement in International Research Projects’. Resource persons of this workshop were Prof. W.M. Tilakaratne, Prof. Harsha Ratnaweera, and Prof. S. B. Weerakoon.
Talent show by Second batch students

The annual talent shows of the faculty was organized by the second batch students was held on the 24th December 2015. This becomes as one of the best events to show up or bring out the talents of the students. The first batch of students also conducted this event during last year. The program comprises of many items such as debates, singing, dancing, dramas, cultural dances and musical events. Continue reading
Dr. N. Ravichandran delivered a talk on “Sustainable Practices in Geotechnical Engineering” at the Faculty
“Nature is NOT an infinite supplier of resources with an indefinite capacity to absorb all waste”
Dr. N. Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Clemson University in the USA, delivered a talk on “Sustainable Practices in Geotechnical Engineering” at the Faculty on 23rd December 2015. This talk was participated by students, researchers, academic staff, Engineers and Directors of organizations and Industries. It was organized by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka Northern Provincial Chapter together with the Faculty of Engineering. This dissemination of knowledge events on updating the engineers working in Northern Province is one of the required services. This has been provided by the Faculty from its initiation together with the professional chapters. Continue reading
Professor Anura Jayasumana delivered a talk at the Faculty
Anura Jayasumana is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Colorado State University, USA. He delivered a talk on ‘Internet’ to ‘Internet of Things’ to ‘Internet of Everything’ on 21st December 2015 at the Faculty of Engineering. There were many participants including students, researchers, faculty staff, Engineers and Managers from Industry. It was organized by the Faculty of Engineering together with Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka Northern Provincial Chapter. The Faculty and IESL (NPC) sincerely thank Professor Anura Jayasumana for sharing his scientific experience and state of art in this era, in a very easily understandable manner.
Mr. Saliya Sampath completed his M.Phil Degree
Mr. Sampath successfully completed his Master of Philosophy Degree at University of Peradeniya. He started his research at the University of Peradeniya from October 2012 in full time basis. He was recruited to the University of Jaffna from December 2014. He did his thesis oral exam on 17th Dec 2015 at Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. The Faculty of Engineering University of Jaffna congratulates Sampath for his successful completion of the M.Phil degree.Continue reading
Dr. Sudharshan N. Raman delivered a talk at the Faculty

Dr. Sudharshan N. Raman delivered a lecture to the Civil Engineering Students of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. The talk was on the topic of “Characterization of Materials at High Strain Rates: Concrete, Steel and Polymers” on 15 December 2015. Sutharshan got his PhD from University of Melbourne in Australia. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of University Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM.
Mr. K. Thavendren from Norway visited the faculty and donated hydraulic equipment

Mr. K. Thavendren, working at Parker Hannifin AS –Oil & Gas division from Norway, visited the faculty on 14th December 2015 and delivered a talk to the academic staff of mechanical engineering on hydraulic technology especially the technologies which are being used in Parker. He donated some hydraulic equipment and accessories, their manuals, and handbooks. Continue reading