Dr. Sudharshan N. Raman delivered a lecture to the Civil Engineering Students of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. The talk was on the topic of “Characterization of Materials at High Strain Rates: Concrete, Steel and Polymers” on 15 December 2015. Sutharshan got his PhD from University of Melbourne in Australia. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of University Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM.
In detail, Dr. Sudharshan N. Raman is a civil engineer by training, specializing in structural and materials engineering. At present, he is a Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of University Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM (The National University of Malaysia); the Editor-in-Chief of the “Bulletin of American Concrete Institute – Kuala Lumpur Chapter”; the Graduate (Research) Program Coordinator at the Department of Architecture of UKM; a Committee Member of the Civil & Structural Engineering Technical Division of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM); and a Committee Member in the Kuala Lumpur Chapter of American Concrete Institute (ACI). Dr. Raman also sits: in the Editorial Boards of the following journals: Advances in Computational Design, Journal of Building Performance and UKM Journal of Engineering; as a Member of the SIRIM Technical Committee on Bricks and Blocks; a Senior Member of the Sustainable Construction Materials and Building Systems (SUCOMBS) Research Group (led by Prof. M. Fauzi M. Zain) at UKM, and as an Adjunct Member of the Advanced Protective Technologies of Engineering Structures (APTES) Research Group (led by Prof. Priyan Mendis) at The University of Melbourne, Australia. He completed his PhD at The University of Melbourne in 2011, specializing in structural engineering/protective technologies. Dr. Raman has been involved with several consultancy work in the area of infrastructure protective technologies, within the public and private sectors both locally and internationally. He has published extensively in various top-tier journals, and has been invited as a reviewer by major journals in the field of structural and materials engineering. Dr. Raman has taught structures and construction related courses at UKM, The University of Melbourne, University of Malaya, and Open University Malaysia for the past 13 years. Prior to joining the academia in 2002, he was in employment with an engineering design consultant, and a specialist prestressed concrete contractor.