A plaque was unveiled ceremonially to officially commence the construction of civil and mechanical engineering building for the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna on 11th December 2015 jointly by His Excellency Shri Y.K. Sinha, High Commissioner of India in Sri Lanka and Honorable Mr. H. M. G. S. Palihakkara, Governor of Northern Province. Continue reading
Tamil Engineering Foundation (Engineering Charity Fund of Aust) donated 25 bicycles to the students
Kilinochchi premises of the University of Jaffna covers over 568 acres of land. Out of this already 250 acres is in active mode including two faculties and common facilities. Therefore the students need an efficient transport system to effectively use their time. This issue was very well recognized by the Tamil Engineering Foundation and while remembering Late Professor A. Thurairajah, it was decided by TEF to donate bicycles to the students. It is important to note that, in 1979, the proposal for this Engineering Faculty was prepared by late Professor A Thurairajah. Furthermore,most of the time, he was travelling by bicycle when he was serving as Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, a decade ago.
Prof. N. Ravichandran serves the Faculty on Visiting
Prof. N. Ravichandran from Clemson University, USA visited and served as a visiting lecturer at the faculty of engineering for three weeks from 8th December 2015. He engaged in teaching Geomechanics for third year civil engineering students.In addition to teaching, he involved in developing curriculum, designing labs, preparing strategic plan of the faculty and mentoring young academics.Even before this visit, he has been actively involving in helping the faculty for a longer period. His earlier visit to the faculty was in July 2014.
First Surveying Camp
Surveying Camp is part of the curriculum of “CE 4010:Surveying and Fieldwork” subject. Seventeen Civil Engineering Students attended the surveying camp and it was 7 day residential program which was held from 30th November to 6th December 2015 at Kanakarayankulam Training Centre (Integrated Farm and Training Centre of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna) at Kanagarayankulam. Students carryout their measuring activities around Puliyankulam and Kanagarayankuam area.
Two new staff members join department of interdisciplinary studies
Mr. T. Kankeyan and Ms. R. Ramachandran joined department of interdisciplinary studies as lecturer (probationary) from 1st December 2015. They both have been recruited to take care of academic programs related to mechanical engineering. With the new additions, the number of academic staff in the department of interdisciplinary studies increases to five.
Motivational talk by industrialist for the third batch students during their orientation program
The Director, Access Projects, delivered motivational talk to the third batch of students during their orientation program on the 30th of November 2016. This was an excellent opportunity for the students to listen to the success story of the young leading personal from a well renowned engineering company.Nishal Ferdinando explained the levels of engineers and what is required of the engineer to become a responsible engineer.
Dr. A. Anburuvel participates as a team member of the strategic city development project – Jaffna
Dr. A. Anburuvel has been invited to join one of the World Bank Mission Teams by the Government Agent of the Jaffna District. Dr. Anburuvel, a PhD in transportation, takes part in a group that develops a transportation plan for Jaffna. There were few meetings and field visits regarding this were carried out from 27th to 28th November 2015. The discussions will be continued for couple of months to converge towards better transportation plan for the Jaffna city in 2050.
The first building of the faculty of engineering was opened on 22nd November 2015
The first building of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Jaffna at Ariviyal Nagar, Kilinochchi was ceremonially opened by Hon. LakshmanKiriella, Minister of Higher Education & Highways in the presence of Hon. Mohan LalGrero, State Minister of Higher Education, Hon. VijayakalaMaheswaran, State Minister of Child Affairs, Hon. Mavai S. Senathirajah,Member of Parliament, Mr. D.C. Dissanayake, Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education & Highways and Prof. Mohan de Silva, Chairman of University Grants Commission, Professor P.S.M. Gunaratne, Vice Chairman of University Grants Commission, Prof. (Ms.) V. Arasaratnam, Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna,Council members, Senate members, Provincial Directors of Departments, Government Agent Officers, Engineers, Faculty staff members and Students.
Dr. V. Cynthujah participated the Vidulka, National Energy Symposium as an evaluator
Vidulka National Energy Symposium was held for the sixth consecutive year on 20thNovember 2015 from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. at the BMICH, Colombo. This symposium was objected at enhancing the sustainable energy related R&D in the country and aligning the research activities of different organizations related to the subject to the national sustainable energy development agenda focally coordinated by Sustainable Energy Authority. Research papers submitted from researchers of universities and research institutions in the country are presented in the symposium and those are evaluated based on the merits of particular researches in context of the sustainable energy development agenda and other important scientific and allied aspects.
A workshop “Energy efficiency and Energy Audit” was successfully conducted
Two resourceful professionals conducted a seminar on “Energy Efficiency and Energy Audit” on 17th November 2015. They are, Mr. Philipp Tobias Poferl, Consultant (Arqum GmbH, Germany) who is currently working on the energy audit project on small and medium scale businesses with GIZ and SLEMA and Mr. Nimal Perera who was the president of Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association. Both the resource persons conducted this workshop for half day at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. Continue reading