The E-week organized by the students of the faculty of Engineering was held from 15th February to 21st of February in the faculty premises as planned. It was the first largest ever student event organized by the students of the faculty under the supervision of the faculty staff. All students of the faculty, academic and non-academic staff, the school students of the region and the neighboring Agriculture Faculty students took part in various events organized during the week. It was amazing to see the students working in such coordination in organizing the sport events, the Blood donation camp, the various singing, dancing and writing competitions and the one-day dedicated for the encouragement of school students.

The following sporting events were organized in the ground furnished by the students of the faculty: Football, Cricket, Carom, Chess, Netball, Badminton, Volleyball tournaments among teams of the three batches and the staff team. A friendly cricket match between our faculty and the Agriculture faculty was also conducted to increase the ties and understanding between members of both faculties.
The following talent expressing competitions were also organized and held within the week as planned: A Singing competition between students from 3 batches, a dancing competition between students, a debate competition and Short story writing competitions in all three languages.
A gaming night was also organized among students to lead students to a fearless approach towards new technology.
The final fiesta was held on the 21st of February night which also marked the special event of the 2nd birthday of students’ intake. The night’s events consisted of various events such as the grant finale of the Singing Competition among students, a very rare and admirable Tamil cultural “Poi Kaal Kuthurai Aaddam” dance, stage dramas by two groups of students, two student stage dances and two events by staff members. The event was graced by the presence of the Faculty staff, students and students from the faculty of Agriculture. The fiesta came to a wonderful end as the 2nd batch students were announced as the overall winners of the E-week events while the 1st batch had to go as runners up despite their hard work and dedication. And it is also not to forget the dedicated participation of the 3rd batch of students even though they were freshers to the faculty environment.
The Faculty takes this opportunity to thank all the officials and the public who helped to make this event a success and hopes to serve the society in coming times as well.