Dr. Tony Sahama, who is the coordinator Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for the split program agreed upon between QUT and UGC, visited the Faculty of Engineering on 4thApril 2016. This visit was arranged to discuss about the opportunities of pursuing postgraduate studies at the QUT at Brisbane Australia. The University Grant Commission has signed an agreement with the QUT for motivating the young permanent academic staff to do the postgraduate studies at the QUT. There were collaborative fundings from both the UGC as well as QUT for this program. This has opened up an excellent opportunity for the young staff to complete their postgraduate studies with full funding. Dr. Tony Sahama explains the procedure and opportunities, which gave clear information to the staff team and Heads of the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering. The faculty thanks him for spending his valuable time for the discussion while good mentoring on motivating the young staff towards their postgraduate studies.
Tony was born in Sri Lanka and educated at University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka. At present, Tony is a senior lecturer in the Information Security Discipline, Science and Engineering Faculty (SEF). Tony’s research interest is in Medical and Health Informatics in particular, Healthcare Information Technology (HIT), Information Accountability (IA) and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) design and development. Tony possesses PhD in Computer Science (Computer Simulation and Modelling, DACE), and has experience in working with researchers in developing customised technology applications for Clinical Decision Support Systems, Data warehousing, Data Integration and IT applications for healthcare decision making processes. Tony’s recent work is in developing IT educational applications for consumers in the PACT arena (People Accepting Controversial Technologies). Currently, Tony is supervising six PhD level research projects in the Medical Informatics, Health Informatics, eHealth and Health Information Technology research areas. Tony holds professional membership with ACM, IEEE, IBS, ACS, SSAI and HISA.