First Ever Startup Weekend in Sri Lanka was conducted to change the world in 54 hours! This mainly to bring participants’ creativity and skills to startup the business. This Sri Lanka’s “First Ever” Startup Weekend Jaffna was held on Friday 24thto Sunday 26thJune2016 at the Tilko Jaffna City Hotel. More information can be fund from http://www.up.co/communities/sri-lanka/jaffna-jaffna-sri-lanka/startup-weekend/9140.
Startup Weekend is a 54-hour weekend event, powered by Google, during whichgroups of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketinggurus, graphic artists and more pitch ideas for new startup companies, formteams around those ideas, and work to develop a working prototype, demo, orpresentation by Sunday evening.It’s an opportunity to people to present their startup ideas and polish up the ideas as working prototype which get polished by many industry expertsduring the event.
Faculty students also participated to this excellent event, which really provided opportunity to get the experience through effectively organized such event. It was so excited to the students and many of them were geared with number of ideas. This is one of the most important event to be encouraged to carry out covering all fields (multidisciplinary). The Faculty sincerely thanking the organizers of this event.