This competition was organized by the University Business Linkage (UBL) committee on 30th August 2016. The UBL is initiated by the UGC for all the Universities with the support of GIZ. The University of Jaffna conducted several workshops and seminar to get the views of the staff and administrators and drafted a circular for establishing the UBL. A team of professors, deans and senior staff were working on it. From the faculty of Engineering, Mr. R. Valluvan and Mr. M. Vignarajah were nominated for the UBL committee.
As a one of the outcome the best thesis proposal award was conducted. Here students were ask to apply for this award with proposal and it was evaluated by a team members including Senior Engineers and Managers from the Chamber of Industry, GIZ resource persons from Germany and few Senior academic staff. It was a half day presentation and excellent opportunity for the students.
Finally three proposals out of 9 qualified submissions have been selected at the faculty level competition. The selected ones are as follows:
- Analyzing the root cause for cable failure at Uthuru Janani power station and proposing mitigations by Mr. A. P. Yasindhu Sandaruwan
- Automated load control system of a Commercial building by Ms. C. Supratha
- Assessment of Performance and Development of Biomass Fired Cabinet Dryers for Higher Energy Efficiency by Mr. N.G.W.M.A.R.B. Wijethilaka and Mr. R.Neethan

Theproposal which gained the first place at the Faculty level competition will get the University level recognition representing the Faculty of Engineering. There will be a final presentation for the project which obtained the highest score during the final University event. All the students from the above three projects will be receiving their certificates and awards at this event.
The UBL Jaffna team informed that all the students, whose completed theses will become eligible for next year’s competition attend the final University event to encourage participation. Hence, the students are encouraged to apply for this award with the completion of their projects.
The merit of organizing this event should go to Mr. R. Valluvan as the coordinator of the UBL activities from the Faculty of Engineering and Mr. M. Vignarajah as a member of the UBL team.