This University level competition was organized by the University Business Linkage (UBL) committee on 5th September 2016. This committee was headed by Mr. K. Umashankar at the University level while faculty level activities were coordinated by Mr. R. Valluvan. For this event Professor S. Mohanadas, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, was invited as the chief guest. All faculties’ deans were invited to deliver short speeches about this award. This event was supported by the German Sri Lanka Cooperation, GIZ, Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Yarlpanam, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
This was the follow up event held at the Faculty level competition held on 30th August 2016. Three selected students project proposal (i) Analyzing the root cause for cable failure at UthuruJanani powerstation and proposing mitigations by Mr. A.P.YasindhuSandaruwan, (ii) Automated load control system of a Commercial building by Ms. C.Supratha and (iii) Assessment of Performance and Development of Biomass Fired CabinetDryers for Higher Energy Efficiency by Mr. N.G.W.M.A.R.B. Wijethilaka and Mr. R.Neethan were awarded at the University level competition.