Mrs. Pratheeba Jeyananthan obtained full scholarship for her PhD studies at Southampton

Mrs. J. Pratheeba, who is attached to the Department of Computer Engineering from 01.01.2016 as lecturer (probationary), got the three years full scholarship for her PhD research studies. She went on study leave from the Department of Computer Engineering from 22nd September 2016.She is reading for PhD at Department of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Her research is on Bioinformatics with the supervision on ProfessorMahesan Niranjan. The faculty congratulate her for obtaining this highly competitive scholarship for her PhD research while wishing her for the best and solid PhD research outcome.

CAD-EAGER 2016 workshop

IESL Student Chapter, Ruhuna University organized and conducted CAD-EAGER 2016 workshop on 19th of September 2016 at the faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna in order to encourage the students to participate national level mechanical engineering design competition. 13/E and 14/E batch mechanical engineering students participated in the workshop and then the national level competition held at BMICH on 7th of October 2016. All three groups from the faculty of engineering, university of Jaffna participated got through preliminary screening and selected for the finals. In the final, one group got good score. The workshop and competition were very well appreciated by the participants. They told that it gave them a different level exposure and confidence. 

Skype Conference on Programming Solar Measuring Station Instruments in Kilinochchi

A training program was conducted by Ammonite company staff on their data logger installed at the Faculty of Engineering on 15th September 2016. This was coordinated by Resource Management Association (RMA) Pvt. Ltd., who was helping to install this solar measuring station at Kilinochchi with the support of Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA). There were more than 25 participants from Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, Resource Management Association, Technical Officers, Researchers and Academic staff from the Faculties of Engineering and Science. Continue reading

Sri Lanka University Games (SLUG), inauguration team visited to the Kilinochchi premises

12th Sri Lanka University Games (SLUG) was held from 1st September till 13th September 2016 at the University of Wayamba. A team headed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Wayamba including Director Physical Education of University of Jaffna and Chairman of the sports committee University of Jaffna, came with Olympic torch carrying parade to the Kilinochchi premises. This procession was very much welcomed by the Kilinochchi premises with all three Faculties (Engineering, Agriculture and Technology) deans and students. This part of the procession was organized,on 26th August 2016, by the sports committee representatives at Kilinochchi premises of the University of Jaffna.

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Faculty staff gathering

The faculty is growing smoothly with the increasing number of students and infrastructure development. It has become tradition that any staff’s birthday or any special day is celebrated by all the staff together. This is to borrow an opportunity to have good interaction between staff members, working in the Faculty. One of the celebration was coordinated by group of staff, headed by Mrs. Anusuya Arunan, on 13th September 2016.

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Presentation on a Design Project from the Students

The faculty is getting services from number of visiting professors from leading foreign Universities. Professor KasivisvanathanChelvakumaris one of the persons, who continuously helping the Faculty students especially the ones in Mechanical Engineering stream. It was excellent that the staff team of the mechanical engineering comprises of Ms. H. Krishnarajah, Mr. T. Kankeyan and Ms. R. Ramachandran, headed by Dr. A. Anburuvel, together with the Professor Chelva, supervised a design project completed by the students. Continue reading

Faculty engineering students participated in Sri Lanka University Games

Representing University of Jaffna, Faculty of Engineering Students participated the 12th Sri Lanka University Games (SLUG) -2016 held from 1st September to 13th September 2016 at University of   Wayamba, Sri Lanka.

Mr. Neorooshan Durairaja, 3rd Year Engineering Student, a member of the Road race team won 7th Place in Individual Race and as the team University of Jaffna succeeded to win 1st Place.

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Breaking Boundaries to innovate – UBL in Sri Lanka

The GIZ SME Development Program with the partnership of the University Grant Commission organize a national event on 9th September 2016. This was attended by UGC Vice Chairman, German consultants, GIZ officers, Universities’ coordinators, Deans of the Faculties and other officers. This was “Breaking boundaries to innovate University Business Linkage in Sri Lanka”. This program is conducted to conclude the project carried out for last one year period with the support of the GIZ by inviting German experts. Continue reading

IIT Professors visited to the Faculty of Engineering

Four professors from Indian Institute of Technology, where two of them are from IIT Bombay, one of them is IIT Indore and one prof is from IIT Punjab, visited to the Faculty of Engineering. This visit and discussion was organized on 7th September 2016 by Hon. A. Natarajan, Consul General of India, Jaffna consulate. Acting Dean of the Faculty, Dr. A. Anburuvel, invited all the professors from IITs and had very good interactive discussions with all the staff and students of the Faculty of Engineering.

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