UBL “Best Solution Oriented Thesis Award” Ceremony 2016

This University level competition was organized by the University Business Linkage (UBL) committee on 5th September 2016. This committee was headed by Mr. K. Umashankar at the University level while faculty level activities were coordinated by Mr. R. Valluvan. For this event Professor S. Mohanadas, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, was invited as the chief guest. All faculties’ deans were invited to deliver short speeches about this award. This event was supported by the German Sri Lanka Cooperation, GIZ, Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Yarlpanam, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. 

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Dr. M.Siyamalan joined the Department of Computer Engineering

Dr. M. Siyamalan joined the Department of Computer Engineering as Senior Lecturer on 5th September 2016. He received BSc Degree with first class honours from University ofJaffna in 2006, MSc from Polytech, University of Nice, France in 2011, and PhD from University of Dundee, UK in 2015. He has over 7 years of fulltime research (including 2 years at industry), and about a year of tutoring and lecturing experience.

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Talk on “Wearable physiological information monitoring Systems and future trends of Telemedicine” by Dr. Ravindra Wijesiriwardana

EEES organized a talk on “Wearable physiological information monitoring Systems and future trends of Telemedicine” on 2nd of September 2016 from 10.15 a.m. to 11.00 a.m at Lecture hall 2. This talk was done by Dr. Ravindra Wijesiriwardana,Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya.

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Best thesis proposal award competition among the Faculty of Engineering Students

This competition was organized by the University Business Linkage (UBL) committee on 30th August 2016. The UBL is initiated by the UGC for all the Universities with the support of GIZ. The University of Jaffna conducted several workshops and seminar to get the views of the staff and administrators and drafted a circular for establishing the UBL. A team of professors, deans and senior staff were working on it. From the faculty of Engineering, Mr. R. Valluvan and Mr. M. Vignarajah were nominated for the UBL committee.

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WaSo Asia Workshop on Introduction to modeling River Flow and Morphodynamics within the IRIC interface

D. S. Sampath, D. A. M. Jeerasinghe and M. D. T. Buddhimal  attended WaSo Asia Workshop on Introduction to modeling River Flow and Morphodynamics within the IRIC interface on 25th and 26thAugust 2016 at Kandyan Arts residencies hotel, Kandy. Workshop organized and sponsored by WaSo Asia project of University of Peradeniya, United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Hokkaido University.

Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya delivered a talk at the Faculty

Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya delivered a talk on Sri Lanka energy sector status and future outlook to the students of faculty of engineering, University of Jaffna, at his visit to Jaffna and Kilinochchi on 15th August 2016. He was invited by Dr. A. Atputharajah, Dean Faculty of Engineering. The talk was excellent to update the students with the trends in energy sector.  The talk attracted to the lecturers and students in the Faculty. During his visit he also observed the faculty development with all renewable energy technologies such as 60kW pilot project of the roof top solar system, solar measuring station and 5 kW wind turbine. Continue reading

One – day Workshop on Urban Drainage / Flood System Analysis and Green Intervention Design

Mr Saliya Sampath, Mr K Mayuresan and Mr S A Xavier attended One – day Workshop on Urban Drainage / Flood System Analysis and Green Intervention Design on 13th August 2016 at Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. This is organized by WaSo Asia project of University of Peradeniya. Resource persons of the workshop are Prof. Assela Pathirana and Prof. S.B. Weerakoon. WaSo Asia project of University of Jaffna sponsored above participants from the University of Jaffna.

Dr. T. Thiruvaran served as member of the Executive committee of JUICE conference

Dr. T. Thiruvaran served as member of the Executive Committee of the Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE) 2016. This conference is considered as one of the outstanding event to increase the visibility of the University of Jaffna at the International level. The Faculty staff also starts supporting this conference as the Faculty is growing with number of staff. This conference is an excellent hard work of a team consists of all 10 faculties’ staff members. The conference was successfully conducted on 12th – 13th August 2017 and the team was headed by the Faculty of Arts.

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