Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jaffna organized third workshop on Introduction to GIS using ArcGIS on 20th and 21st March 2017. Workshop covered basic features of ArcGIS and some advanced analysis sections. This workshop was funded by Water and Society (WaSo) Project of University of Jaffna.
This workshop was focused on Jaffna university academic staff. But we have received more than 180 applications for the first workshop and variety of candidates such as engineers, researchers and scientists from industry and academic field, university undergraduates and postgraduates in the fields of Engineering, Geography, Agriculture and Sciences. Out of them 45 participants were selected according to first come first serve basis while giving priority to Jaffna university staff members for second workshop. This time the participants are from 7 universities in Sri Lanka. Following resource persons enlightened the event
- Mr. V. Thillai Nadarajan, GIS Consultant and Esri Certified Trainer, GIS Solutions Pvt Ltd, Colombo
- Dr. Mrs. H, K. Nandalal, Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya.
- Mr. Saliya Sampath, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
- Mr. K. Gunaalan, Lecturer, Department of Fisheries, University of Jaffna.
Participants had hands on training on how to use GPS. Workshop was coordinated by Eng. Saliya Sampath, Lecturer/Civil, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
As the demand is so high, it is planning to conduct same workshop again in April and May to satisfy other candidates’ requirements. It is to increase the coverage to serve the best to the community as the WaSo project is designed to empower the professionals for capacity building.