It was notified that in general that the Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) stream students need to be motivated much higher level than the ongoing system. Therefore as a first step, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering had discussion with the Zonal Director of Education (ZDE) Kilinochchi. As a result the ZDE organized a discussion with the mathematics teachers in Kilinochchi zonal area on 19th April 2017. The meeting was held at the conference room of the ZDE Kilinochchi office starting from 1:45pn till 5:00pm. Professor A. Atputharajah – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. P. Kathirgamanathan – Senior Lecturer teaching Engineering Mathematics and Mr. Thuraiyappa – Assisting on teaching of Engineering Mathematics were participated in this discussion. Almost all the mathematics teachers in the Kilinochchi Zone were participated. Representative from the Engineering Student Union (ESU) also participated to carefully do the follow up on the discussion points.
It was discussed in detail on the challenges faced by the school teachers, who are teaching mathematics. The discussion was very interesting to note the hardworking group of teachers and their motivation on enhancing the mathematics knowledge of the students. It was also notified that during the last three decades of disturbance, teaching in the district was tremendously disturbed. This has created huge vacuum on youth education. Specially those who are sitting for GCE (O/L) and GCE (A/L). These students could not be able to study smoothly due to the past conflict situation in their young age (from grade 1 till grade 9). This created huge lapse on their education system. Teachers are also placing numerous effort to educating them with possible arrangements.
It was also notified that the grade 5 scholarship results show that the current situation on the youth, who are below grade 5 seems to have natural life on getting reasonable marks, as they have normal situation. However, it was notified that a special focus need to be done on uplifting their education. Further few social issues on parents also effecting their education culture during their home life. Many other challenges such as need of infrastructure including class room, laboratory and library development were potentially discussed and it was identified as an urgent need to keep up the existing and future students on track.
Finally the few steps on development was targeted as listed here. (i) To get the help of ESU to support to boost the mathematic knowledge of the students. (ii) To conduct few seminars, discussions or Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions with the science and mathematics teachers to be coordinated by the ZDE, where the University lecturers’ help can be taken to enhance their knowledge on new additions such as technology subjects. (iii) Faculty of Engineering staff and students organize Engineering Week program during early part of each year (during 2018, it was planned to be done 22nd to 28th January). It was discussed to invite all the students and teachers to participate this program. Plan to send the invitation through ZDEs. (iv) request the ESU to help the possible outreach program on enhancing the self-learning of science and mathematics subjects through e-learning facilities. (v) to plan the five year development plan, coordinated by the ZDE office, to enhance the infrastructure of each school where ever it is lagging. Especially on science laboratory and library facilities on mathematics resource materials.