The dean and the heads of the departments of the Faculty of Engineering had a full day conference with the professionals on 3rd June 2017. This was conducted in two sections.
The first meeting was conducted from morning till afternoon and it was coordinated by Eng. Ram Praveen and Dr. R. Thevamaran. This was also supported by the care for education at Houston. This discussion was mostly with the professors and industrial engineers. There were members attended to the meeting as well as some of them were attended through video conference arrangement. It was excellent discussion for about six hours, on possible collaborations while uplifting the undergraduate education, where it will result to economic development of the county. The professors agreed to be external supervisor to the undergraduate projects, visiting to the Faculty of Engineering University of Jaffna for their short stay on empowering the students, fine tuning the laboratory setups while giving their inputs to the teaching and learning systems. The discussions were very much impressed and motivated towards empowering the human resources while promising fullest support to the research projects at supervisory levels.