This summer course program was organized by Water Society and Climate Change project (WaSo). Two students from University of Jaffna attended WaSo Masters Summer School courses at Oslo, Norway from June 19 – July 7, 2017: (1) Mr. Nagamuthu Piratheeparajah, Lecturer, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and (2) Ms. Piratheepa Vipulan, Lecturer, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts. This visit was supported by the WaSo project attached to the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Jaffna.
The program was held at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), As, Norway and the University College of South-East Norway (UNS), Telemark, Norway. The NMBU course was THT 311 and it was a 10 ECTS (European Credits) course. The UNS offered 4330 course and it was 5 ECTS course. The THT 311 is a course on “Water Resource Management and Treatment Technologies” and the 4330 is a course on “Water Quality Challenges”. Both were conducted during this visit. This program was one of the successful event of WaSo project of UoJ, which enhanced the water related knowledge of the lecturers from other Faculties too.