Workshop on “Internet of Things” was held at Department of Computer Engineering on 8th July 2017 with the support of IT and Communication Engineering Sectional Committee of the Institution of Engineering Sri Lanka (IESL). Objective of the workshop was to boost the understanding of engineering students on IoT and enhance the awareness of applications of IoT in various industries. More than 50 undergraduate students and staff members attended this workshop.
The session on “Emerging Applications of IoT” in the workshop was conducted by Eng Dr Chandana Gamage – attached to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa. Session on “Security Implications of IoT” was conducted by Eng Kushan Sharma – attached as Engineering Manager to the TechCERT. The hands-on practical work was supported by Mr. Udara Samarasinghe, Eng. Viraj Premaratna, Mr. Dharshana Muthtettugoda, and Eng Ahamed Afham.