Dr. S. S. Sivakumar, Coordinator of WaterH project of UoJ and Mr. Saliya Sampath, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, UoJ attended two seminars at Cherkasy State Technological University (ChSTU), Cherkassy, Ukraine on 10th July 2017 during WaterH 7th annual meeting. Details about the seminars are given below.
• Open seminar “Water in the changing world”
o What is wastewater? Prof. Lihua Cheng, QTU, China
o Climate change impacts on water resources – adaptation for enhancing resilience, Prof. S B Weerakoon, UoP, Sri Lanka
o Process control in water management, Dr Olga Sanginova, NTUU KPI, Ukraine
• Open seminar “Water: from challenges to opportunities”
o Project examples for resource orientated sanitation systems, Prof Martin Oldenburg, UAS, Germany
o Challenges & possibilities of Erasmus, Prof. Andrzej Zolnowski, UWM
o Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Prof. Harsha Ratnaweera, NMBU
After the seminar, they visited water research laboratories at Cherkasy State Technological University.
The project aim will be met through curriculum development and improved learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches using best practices. The WaterH Erasmus+ project is funded by EU Erasmus+ Program for capacity building in higher education.