The faculty leaderships had few discussions with World University Services Canada (WUSC) and National Construction Association of Sri Lanka Northern Branch (NCASL/N) for possible collaborations to empower the youths in this region. These discussions were carried out in few events organized by the WUSC and NCASL/N. The discussions resulted to have an official discussions at the Faculty of Engineering University of Jaffna on 11th August 2017.
Here the possible collaborations on “Advancing Specialized Skills for Economic Transformation” were discussed with the top officers from WUSC (Mr. Timothy Edward – Manager Private Sector Development, Mr. Ramaiya Sivananthan and Mr. Tharmaratnam Senthoran – Regional Team Leaders North West), NACSL/N (Eng. N. Nantharuban – Branch Chairman NACSL/N), Dean Professor A. Atputharajah and the Heads of the Departments of the Faculty of Engineering. This discussion was focused to develop a frame work on collaboration mechanism in the following key areas of (i) NCASLs/ N Capacity building programs, (ii) Skill for Employment program – Example Electrical Course and (iii) Technical support for the Northern regional construction sector. The discussions were very productive.
Finally it was concluded with the message on the university is interested in building Business Linkages and offering Continuous Development Programs (CDPs). As a result, the faculty would be happy to explore the possibility of designing and conducting training courses to uplift and enhance the knowledge & skills of contractors. He further said that presently they are conducting Electrician Certificate Level Course, which is of one year’s duration, where the participants attend classes only once a month over one weekend. They would like to extend this modular style to cover courses in masonry and carpentry as well. WUSC team felt that this could be a good strategy to attract youth into the construction sector, as well as to addresses issues related to the dignity of labor. WUSC Northern Team leader Mr. Senthoran said that there are a number of environment related issues that ought to be address in the Northern Province, and certain initiatives along the lines of green ecofriendly construction, preservation of water resources and natural eco systems for NCASL members could be facilitated through the faculty.
It was decided that based on today’s discussion, a concept paper would be written by the faculty on how the University, NCASL and WUSC could collaborate and thereafter, at an early date as possible, a MoU will be signed between the parties.