Mr. D.S. Sampath was requested to help the Archeological Excavation and Conservation Project of Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka by the Dean of Faculty of Languages and cultural studies of the Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura.
They requested Sampath to train Archeology Bhiksu students on ‘How to use Total station and GPS for archeological land surveying’. Also, they requested Sampath to complete detail land survey of the excavation site and GPS survey around the historical area. Site was at Kongrayankulam and it is located 33 km away from Medawachchi along the Mannar road close to Chettikulam. Site is located close to border of Wilpattu jungle.
Sampath went to site on 19th and 20th August 2017 and complete the assigned task and submitted the detail surveying report to the Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura on 18th Sep 2017. Prof. Ariya Lagamuwa, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Ven. Galwewe Wimalakhanthi Thero, Lecturer, BUSL and Rev Siri Sumnagala Thero, Lecturer, BUSL were coordinated the excavation project. Vice Chancellor of BUSL appreciated Mr. Sampath’s voluntary service.