Dr. S. S. Sivakumar, Coordinator of WaterH project of UoJ and Mr. Saliya Sampath, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, UoJ and Dr. B. Ketheesan, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Engineering participated the 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes, from 24th – 26th August 2017 at Siem Riep, Cambodia.
They had two main objectives on this visit. They all presented their research articles in the international conference. Also, they have supervised master students of Institute of Technology of Cambodia.
Published articles in the conference are shown below:
1. M. H. M. Hamseen, T. Sætersdal and Dr. S. S. Sivakumar, (2017), ‘Conflict Resolution in Multiple User Scenarios in Irrigation Scheme in North Central Sri Lanka’, The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes, Siem Riep, Cambodia, August 24th – 26th 2017, P. 193
2. B. Ketheesan, P. M. Thanh and D. C. Stuckey, (2017), ‘Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (SAMBR) for Wastewater Reuse: Use of PAC for Controlling SMPs’, The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes, Siem Riep, Cambodia, August 24th – 26th 2017, P. 184
3. Buddhimal M. D.T., Sampath D. S., Sivakumar S. S., Mikunthan T., Pirabhaharan M., (2017), ‘Precipitation data analysis – based on daily rainfall data at Magalla reservoir catchment at Nikaweratiya, Sri Lanka’, The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes, Siem Riep, Cambodia, August 24th – 26th 2017, P. 192
After conference, they attended Special Forum: Mainstreaming Promotion of Gender Balance for Science Technology in Asian Countries (WaSo Project) under WaSo project. There were 4 presentations from lady resource persons and we discussed about: Mainstreaming Promotion of Gender Balance for Science Technology in Asian Countries. 26th August, they attended Technical Tour to Core Management Center (Ministry of Environment), Floating Villages and Bamboo Island. It was really useful field visit and they have observed pollution of great Lake of the Cambodia. They met people live in the floating villages and observed their day today life and traditional events. Director of Core management center explained them about lake pollution and the things he was doing to save environment and especially natural rare birds in the lake.
This was funded by WaSo project of University of Jaffna.