This workshop was jointly organized by the OREL Corporation (Pvt) Ltd and the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Jaffna. This was held on 18th and 19th December 2017 at the simulation Lab of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Resource persons from OREL Corporation (Pvt) Ltd and National Instruments conducted two day workshop on the use of Lab View, a graphical programming tool in academic teaching and development.
Mr.Manimaran Asaithambi, senior application engineer at VI Solutions, India was the main presenter at the workshop accompanied by Mr.Priyashantha Premarathne, assistant general manager for sales and operations, OREL Corporation (Pvt) Ltd. The main objectives was to apply the use of virtual instruments and industrial programming tools in teaching purposes. The workshop was conducted for department faculties over two days training them with Lab View tool through presentation and practical application of the software. new approaches to teaching and the importance of use of virtual instruments in class rooms were elaborated through presentations and practicals training. There was also an introductory session conducted on NI Elvis II, educational laboratory virtual instrumentation suite and its interface with Lab View software. In addition, a presentation was done on the use of Quansen products at academic level. The event concluded with a small test and distribution of participation certificates for attendees.