The IESL established the Undergraduate Inventor of the Year (UIY) 2021 competition for undergraduates to encourage and stimulate interest in engineering inventions and provide an opportunity to organize and present their inventions. This is a unique opportunity to recognize and reward the nation’s most remarkable and innovative undergraduate students.
Competition was opened for any student member of IESL or an undergraduate of engineering faculties of the University of Peradeniya, University of Moratuwa, University of Ruhuna, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, South Eastern University, University of Jaffna and Open University of Sri Lanka. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the final competition was held online on October 8th 2021. Undergraduates from the universities of Peradeniya, Sri Jayewardenepura, and Jaffna had selected to the grand finale. Each entry was judged on its originality, inventiveness, scope of use, and potential social, environmental, or economic value.
The competition was held at IESL head office, on 3rd October 2015, in Colombo. Undergraduates from Universities of Peradeniya, Moratuwa, Ruhuna and Jaffna submitted proposals to this event. This competition inculcated the basic principles for success in innovations such as having a stated goal, developing a design criteria and background research, preparing preliminary designs and materials list, considering costs and user requirements, building and testing prototypes, considering reliability, repairing and servicing, final product testing, presenting the results and etc.
Final Competition was successfully held on 08th of October 2021 . With the presence of Honorable Panel of Experts including Main keynote speaker “Dr. Gamini Kulathunga” (Ph.D. in post-harvest technology from Cranfield University, UK, Retired Senior lecturer in Agricultural & Plantation Engineering, Consultant to UNDP And to establish Engineering faculties in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and South East University of Sri Lanka) and Eng. K.P.I.U Dharmapala (President of the IESL) , Eng. Arjuna Manamperi (President Elect. of the IESL) , Eng. Navodana Kankanmge (Chairman of IESL UIY program) , Dr. Dulini Mudunkotuwa( Secretary of IESL UIY program) and more committee members of IESL UIY and Sri lanka Inventors commission.
Final Competition was successfully held on 08th of October 2021 . With the presence of Honorable Panel of Experts including Main keynote speaker “Dr. Gamini Kulathunga” (Ph.D. in post-harvest technology from Cranfield University, UK, Retired Senior lecturer in Agricultural & Plantation Engineering, Consultant to UNDP And to establish Engineering faculties in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and South East University of Sri Lanka) and Eng. K.P.I.U Dharmapala (President of the IESL) , Eng. Arjuna Manamperi (President Elect. of the IESL) , Eng. Navodana Kankanmge (Chairman of IESL UIY program) , Dr. Dulini Mudunkotuwa( Secretary of IESL UIY program) and more committee members of IESL UIY and Sri lanka Inventors commission.
The “Lunch Sheet Remover from Food Wastes” invention was presented by eight members from the 2017/E batch of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Jaffna under the supervision by Eng. (Mr.) U. Anuraj. They are,
- Senavirathna W.M.P.I.B. (Team Lead)
- Shafan A.M.M.
- Kariyawasam K.M.G.S.U.
- Silva K.M.A.
- Piyumal K.T.D.Y.S.
- Weerakoon W.M.P.T.
- Sudharshika R.D.G.F.S.
- Senadheera H.D.M.K
This project obtained the first place award and the most popular invention in the UIY competition in 2021. This was the very first time university of Jaffna obtained the first place of the IESL UIY Competition and it’s a remarkable event to showcase the skills of the undergraduates with the guidance of the staff members from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.
IESL Page :
Final Competition:
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Competition Moments: