Winner- student/academia category IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition
The IEEE SA Transforming the Telehealth Paradigm Industry Connections Program in collaboration with the IEEE SA Healthcare and Life Sciences Practice held its first annual IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition “Rethink the "Machine: Transforming RPM to a Patient-Centered Care System”
The theme of the competition focused on Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), a subset of telehealth, enabling physicians to better monitor and care for patients in real-time in a remote location. The competition sought solutions across the many touchpoints of the RPM experience with the goal of identifying potential opportunities to nurture ideas for global technical and/or data standards.
The Final Year Research Project “Multi-Purpose Health Monitoring Bracelet” of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Jaffna was selected among the 9 global finalists of the competition. It was the only team among the finalists representing an Asian Country.
The research project Multi-Purpose Health Monitoring Bracelet (MHMB) was carried out by the students Nilojkanth Loganathan and Pramuka Sooriyapatabandige under the supervision and guidance of Mr R. Valluvan (Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna), Prof. R. Surenthirakumaran (Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna) and Dr S. Sivasothy (Founder, Dotshook, France).
The final virtual pitch event took place virtually on the 8th of February 2022.
The Project MHMB was placed first in the category of Student/Academia at the IEEE SA Telehealth Solutions Virtual Pitch Competition
The research project Multi-Purpose Health Bracelet has also won the Professor S. Mahalingam Memorial Innovative Project Proposal Award 2020 presented by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna and Best Innovative Product/ Project – University – Northern Province at the SLASSCOM National Ingenuity Awards 2022.
Video Link - Click here
We congratulate the team for winning the 1st place of this international competition, representing University of Jaffna and Sri Lanka.