The workshop provided an excellent exposure to the knowledge in energy efficiency, energy management and energy auditing subject areas. This SME energy efficiency workshop was held on 20th and 21st July 2015 in Jaffna. Two staff members, Dr. V. Cynthujah, Mr. S. Thananjeyan and two students participated in this workshop. The workshop was planned with a special focus on North and East Sri Lanka.

Overall information about this program (German – Sri Lanka Collaboration):
The Sri Lankan Government is emphasizing on the Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) sector as a major engine for growth and jobs, in the rural areas including conflict affected areas. GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – German International Development Company), in close cooperation with Ministry of Finance and Planning, Sri Lanka has come forward to support the development of the SME sector to reach its full potential through a sustainable path.
As a result the GIZ project on financing energy efficiency for SMEs was initiated. This was planned to cover the businesses large, medium or small. It clearly identifies that the energy efficiency will be key for future sustainable business needs directed towards economic benefits, resource saving and environmental protection.