Professor EliathambyAmbikairajah, Head of School of Electrical Engineering &Telecommunications at the University of New South Wales in Australia,donated embedded systems design kits for the first batch students. He also donated Electronic Dice Souvenir project for the first and second batch ofengineering students of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. Thisproject was very well appreciated by the first and second batch students.
Now he has donated kits for the Embedded Systems Design (EC6020) subject. The donation includes 4 PICKIT 3 in-circuit Debuggers (MICROCHIP), 8 LCD displays and 10FM radio ICs (including holders). These kits are really valuable for the students since the students can build a real world applications during their learning of this subjects. Since this subject is offered first time to the first batch of students, this will provide excellent practical exposure on building their own ideas.
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering together with the Faculty sincerely thank Professor EliathambyAmbikairajah for his continuous support on developing and motivating the electrical and electronic engineering students.