Goal and Objectives

The primary goal of the Faculty of Engineering is to acquire, develop, and impart state-of-the-art engineering education, while contributing to the regional, national and global development.
The objectives of the Faculty of Engineering are

  • to offer a degree program, which produces graduates who should be able to
    1. apply fundamentals of science, mathematics, and engineering to address contemporary and future needs of society;
    2. design and develop sustainable solutions through identifying, formulating and analysing engineering problems while taking social, environmental and economic constraints into consideration;
    3. function effectively as an individual and as a team member in a multi-disciplinary environment;
    4. commit to work with professional and ethical responsibility while promoting social harmony;
    5. communicate competently and amicably at every level;
    6. demonstrate the ability to manage one’s own work, teams and projects;
    7. adapt state-of-the-art tools and technology; and
    8. adhere to independent lifelong learning to develop in-depth knowledge towards wisdom,


  • to provide services in conjunction with knowledge sharing to fulfil engineering needs of industry and community, and


  • to engage in cutting-edge research that enables value addition, and development of new technologies, products and services.