Dr. Ravindra Wijesiriwardana take part in two conference held in Shanghai China and conducting a guest lecture at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He conducted a lecture on nonlinear acoustics at the Media Design PolyU on an invitation by Dr. Gino Yu. He also got the chance to see their lab facilities, virtual reality projects, Ambisonic setups and discuss with Ph.D. Students. This opened up possible collaborations with the Ambisonic group at PolyU and possibility of jointly or remotely supervising some of their Ph.D. students. Also the team agreed to give the full support for Ravindra’s research requirements of advanced acoustic tests. Ravindra also delivered an invited presentation at Consciousness Science Technology and Society Conference (CSTS) held on the 9th of June 2017 in Shanghai. The talk was “Emptiness of Consciousness from Buddhism and Science Perspectives” it is available at Research gate online.