American embassy officers and the resource person visited to the Faculty as educational initiatives program on 7th July 2017. The officers’ team included Mr. James Russo (Counselor for Press, Academic, and Cultural Affairs from the American Embassy), Ms. Cheryl Edison (visiting American expert/resource person and Serial Entrepreneur and global strategist) and Ms. Sharmini Sinniah (Outreach Coordinator, Public Diplomacy Office of the American Embassy). Initially the team had a discussion with the Dean, Heads of the Departments and lecturers. It was good to learn the opportunities of number of possible services that the faculty students can be benefited from the embassy.
After the meeting a workshop was conducted by Ms. Cheryl Edison to the Third year and Final year students. This seminar was focus on giving knowledge to the engineering students on “Go To Market Strategy”, which will help them in preparing a business plan as part of their final project and promote startups/entrepreneurs. It was very timely program and excellent program very much appreciated by the students and staff. The faculty thanks the American embassy officers including Ms. Sharmini for coordinating this excellent program to empower the students from the Faculty of Engineering.
Bio of Resource Person: Cheryl Edison is a senior global brand strategist with an international reputation for successfully launching companies, products, and services into new markets. She focuses on building strong brands and carrying their power through to values-based operations, strategic alliances, and sales. Negotiating in English, Spanish, and Italian, Edison has provided strategic business development, analyzed customer and market dynamics, and built passionate teams for some of the world’s leading corporations and innovative start-ups, including Carrefour, Telcel, Volvo, Revlon, Llongueras, and the Webby Awards. Her track record across North America, South America, and Europe provides a winning platform for building profitable operations through global and regional tactical planning. Unwavering in her dedication to expanding the reality of global citizenship through the engine of commerce, Edison has launched companies, joint ventures, products, and services in more than 30 countries on four continents. (http://cheryledison.com/)