Third Surveying Camp of the Faculty of Engineering

Surveying camp is part of the curriculum of “CE 4010: Surveying and Fieldwork” subject. Altogether 29 Civil Engineering Students attended the surveying camp and it was 8 days of residential program. This was held from 9th October to 17th October 2017 at Uva Management Development Institute, Passara Road, Badulla. Students carried out their measuring activities around URY tea estate and UMDI surrounding under 5 different projects.

Dr. S. S. Sivakumar, D. B. Ketheesan, Eng. Saliya Sampath and Ms. L. Thakshajini participated as full time internal lectures. Mr. K . Nirojan, Mr. A. Xaviar, Mr. Kumuthan, Mr. Mayuresan, Miss. Umaipriya participated as instructors from Department of Civil Engineering. Mr. K. Joseph Dharmar, Mr. R. Pratheepan and Mr. R. Divakaran attended as technical officer and lab attendants.

Camp fire was held on 16th October, Tuesday night at UMDI premises. Students visited Dunhinda Waterfall and Loggal Oya Labyrinth spillway on the way.

It was one of the very successful event conducted by Department of Civil Engineering and student got real surveying experience with different environmental condition. Mr. Sampath was the technical coordinator the third surveying camp of UoJ. Dr. B. Ketheesan was overall coordinator for the third surveying camp of UoJ.

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E17 students visited Iranamadu irrigation Scheme

125 students of E17 batch of University of Jaffna visited Iranamadu reservoir and irrigation systems in Northern Province on 6th October 2017. They have visited Iranamadu reservoir, LB and RB canals, irrigation structures and their canal network. Students got golden opportunity to visit ongoing constructions of Iranamadu spillway, dam and bridge. they went to reservoir bed as well.

Eng. N. Suthakaran, Deputy Director of Irrigation – Kilinochchi Range and Project Director – Iranamadu Irrigation Development Project (IIDP) delivered a presentation to fresh students. He guided students throughout the field visit same as last four times. Every batch is visiting Iranamadu during their orientation program and N. Suthakaran is always helping us lot to conduct the field visits.

Mr. Vignarajah coordinated the field visit and Mr. Vignarajah and Mr. Sampath guided them during field visit.

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E17 students visited University of Jaffna main premises

All 125 students of the E17 batch of the Faculty of Engineering visited University of Jaffna main premises on 4th October 2017. They visited to the main University premises, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty Management, Faculty of Medicine, Main Library, health center, University playground, Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts, Siddha Medicine Unit etc.

DR/Examination, DR/Student welfare, Assistant Bursar, Senior Student Councilor, Librarian delivered presentations to the students. The students enjoyed by playing the musical instruments at Ramanathan Academy of Fine Arts.

Mr. Sampath organized the visit and Mr. Sampath, Dr. Kathirgamanathan, Assistant Registrar / Engineering and Sub Warden of Male hostel guided the students during visit.

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Initiation of Centre for Prosthetic at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna

To conclude the training program conducted by MyCorps in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and to initiate the centre for prosthetic at the Faculty to continuously help the community by producing prosthetic for the needy people in the region, a centre for prosthetic was initiated at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna.

A function was held at the Faculty of Engineering on 4th October 2017 to initiate the centre ceremonially. Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Malaysia. His honorable Datuk M. Saravanan and Prof. T. Mikunthan, Dean / Graduate Studies, representing Vice Chancellor graced the occasion together with Chair person, Jaffna Jaipur Centre for Disability Rehabilitation, Dr. (Mrs). J. Ganeshamoorthy, Deputy Director General, Minister of Youth and Sports, Assistant Director Ministry of Youth and Sports, Representative of Regional Director of Health Services, Kilinochchi, Deans of the faculties, Heads of the departments and distinguished guests. This program was initiated and coordinated by Dr. A. Anburuvel, Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of the Faculty of Engineering.

The training participants were issued a certified of participation at the ceremony. A 3D printer and cash worth of LKR 1.75 million were donated by MyCorps to the Faculty of Engineering to continue with this project.

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E17 students visited Ariviyal Nagar University premises

125 students entered to the E17 batch of faculty of Engineering, university of Jaffna on 2nd October 2017. To familiar with university surrounding, they have visited Ariviyal Nagar university premises on 3rd October 2017. They have visited Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Technology, and Labs of Faculty of Engineering, University ground, hostels and surroundings.

They have taken the first batch photo in front of admin building of Engineering faculty. Dr. Ravindra coordinated the visit and Mr. Vignarajah and Mr. Sampath and second year students guided them during the visit.

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Initial discussion with the Capital Maharaja Organization Limited

Professor K. Chelvakumar headed the team from the Faculty of Engineering to have initial discussion on possible collaboration with the Capital Maharaja Organization Limited. The discussion was held at the head office of the Capital Maharaja Organization Limited in Colombo on 3rd October 2017. Here the Dean – Professor A. Atputharajah, Coordinator of the IITGN programs – Dr. A. Anburuvel and Coordinator of the Incubation Center – Mr. R. Valluvan participated from the Faculty of Engineering. It was very good discussion on how the entrepreneurship can be empowered to the students and the community through setting up a Chair Professor at the Faculty of Engineering with the help of the Capital Maharaja Organization Limited.

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E17 students visited religious places at Kilinochchi as the first event of their orientation program

125 students entered to the E17 batch of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna on 2nd October 2017. As a first event of their orientation program, they have visited religious places around Kilinochchi.

They visited Murukandy Hindu Temple, Kilinochchi Buddhist Temple, Kilinochchi Catholic Church and Kilinochchi Mosque and got the blessings from all religious for their future 4-year life of Kilinochchi.

Mr. Sampath coordinated event with the help of Mr. Viganarajah and Dr. Ravindra.

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Inauguration of 5th batch of students (E17 batch)

The fifth batch with 125 students was inaugurated on 2nd October 2017. The Faculty of Engineering has grown a lot during the last five years. It was starting with 39 students in the first batch on 21st February 2014 and it is taking the fifth batch with 125. The infrastructure has grown up from small buildings to the five three storied and two storied buildings with total of 25,000m2. The students’ diversity is getting better coverage with increasing number of districts.

Tree plantation by the third year students of Faculty of Engineering

Fifty trees were planted in the faculty premises on 30th September 2017. Many varies of trees such as Mahogani, Mango and Nawal were planted this time. Maintenance division organized the event. Prof. A. Atputharajah, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, and D. S. Sampath, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering also attended the event and planted few trees. Third-year students also attended the event. This event is organized every year by planting about 100 trees per year in total.

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Special guest lecture on “Project Governance and Management in Construction”

Problem Brief:This program was organized by the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL) North Chapter with collaboration of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna together with the World University Services Canada Sri Lanka regional office. The Special guest lecture session was conducted on “Project Governance and Management in construction industry. This was conducted at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering on 22nd September 2017. Around 60 participants attended this event from the Private and government sectors.

The session cover wider spectrum of participants from all 5 districts from Vavuniya, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna. The same day a book was published on the same subject and handed over to the NCAL/N and IESL Northern Province Chapter.

Outcome of the event:

  1. Improved key stakeholder’s knowledge on the subject of project governance and management in construction industry.

  2. Improved network with the academic institutions and private sector to sort-out construction related key issues and challenges experienced in the region.

  3. Improved their recognitions among stakeholder as regional Apex in the construction industry.

  4. Developed network with Engineering Faculty, University of Jaffna, and NCASL/N and WUSC SL.

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