Exploring the way forward – Faculty of Engineering

A discussion forum on “Exploring the way forward – Faculty of Engineering, to University of Jaffna” was organized by the IESL NPC with invited professionals around Jaffna. This was held in Library auditorium at the University of Jaffna on 20th August 2010. Keynote speaker Prof. P. Balasuntharampillai and other speakers of Dr. A. Atputharajah and Dr. T. Sivakumar were chaired by Eng. R. Muthuratnanandan. The event was sponsored by a number of old pupils associations of schools from Jaffna. Continue reading

Post war initiatives for faculty of Engineering

After the conflict was declared to be over, in 2009 few engineers together with University of Jaffna professors motivated towards the development of the Faculty of Engineering. Political leaders also discuss about the Faculty of Engineering to the University of Jaffna in their public talks. The momentum was continuously increased. During that time a meeting was held on 16th July 2010 at the Dean’s office of the Science Faculty, University of Jaffna. Continue reading

UGC Approval for additional departments

In 2002, the UGC approved in principle to establish (i) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (ii) Department of Information and Communication Technology and (iii) Department of Inter-disciplinary studies. For further analysis, the Jaffna University senate sub-committee was appointed headed by Prof R. Kumaravadivel with the members of Mr. S. Rajadurai, Prof K. Kandasamy, Dr. S. Mahesan, Eng. R. Vijeyaratnam and Prof K. Kugabalan. This committee submitted the report in 2002 with clear information on need of the Engineering Faculty attached to the University of Jaffna indicating regional development. Continue reading

Initial proposal for faculty of Engineering

A proposal for the faculty of Engineering to be attached to the University of Jaffna was proposed with dedication of Late Prof A. Thurairajah through the task force headed by Late Prof. T. Sivaprakasapillai with the members of Late Prof A. Thurairajah, Mr. A. Ragunathan, Dr. P. Sivaprakasapillai and Prof A. Kumar David in 1979. Then the UGC appointed committee including headed by Dr. S.M.A. Perera, with the members of Prof. C. Dahanayake, Prof. Willie Mendix, Prof. Milton Amaratunga and Vice Chancellor in 1988 recommended to set up the Faculty attached to University of Jaffna in 1988. Continue reading

Commissioning tests of the solar pilot power plant carried out by the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority Officers

The roof top solar power plant is one of mostly promoted technology with net metering concept in Sri Lanka. This is purely to motivate the renewable energy technologies in Sri Lanka. The decision makers correctly identified the four Faculties of Engineering as excellent places for placing pilot power pants for demonstrating this technology to the industries and other institutions. Original project proposal was formulate by discussions forum contains experts from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Peradeniya (UOP), Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA) and Resource Management Association (RMA) Pvt. Ltd. during the year 2011.

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Australian-Sri Lankan University partnerships to develop community-based waste recycling businesses

The project on “Australian-Sri Lankan University partnerships to develop community-based waste recycling businesses” is selected to work in-collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Jaffna. This project will be manage by Professor Caroline Baillie, Randika Jayasinghe and Eric Feinblatt from the University of Western Australia while local Universities as collaborating partners from the University of Moratuwa, University of Jaffna and University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The implementation partner is waste of life.

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Elite and Strikers selected for the grand finale of YGC3

Yarl Geek Challenge (YGC) is a competition aimed to find innovators and it gives support to new ideas for entrepreneurship. This time this was organized in collaboration with the Lanka Angel Network. In order to short list the participants of around 25 teams from many state and private Universities such as University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya, University of Jaffna and SLIIT, YGC has organized a three day selection competition. This selection event was targeted to check how the competitors’ ideas are flavored for a business model and the competitors were expected to demonstrate, if possibly, with their working prototypes in front of the audience and selection panel.

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Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah donated electronic dice souvenir to the students.

Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah, Head of School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications at the University of New South Wales in Australia, has continued the Electronic Dice Souvenir project for the second batch of engineering students of Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna. This project was very well appreciated by the first batch and now continues with the second batch students. He has donated all components and the associated circuit diagram to make an electronic dice as an Electronic Souvenir. Continue reading