Prof. Tharmarajah Thiruvaran
Head, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
B.Sc.Eng.(Hons)(Peradeniya), PhD (UNSW, Australia), AMIE(SL)
Member of the IEEE
Research interests : Automatic speaker recognition, Speech signal processing, Pattern recognition
Prof. T. Thiruvaran had received BScEng Degree with first class honours from University of Peradeniya in 2002 and PhD from University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2010. Before joining University of Jaffna he has worked as Postdoctoral Fellow (Teaching) in University of New South Wales.
His PhD topic is Automatic speaker recognition using phase based features. His thesis involved the development of a frame averaged FM feature extraction technique based on two pole model of sub band signal of speech for automatic speaker recognition. He has worked as a researcher in IBM research projects of Speaker selection for background data in Forensic Voice Comparison Laboratory. He has worked in collaboration with I2R, Singapore as a team of I4U for the international evaluation of speaker recognition system by NIST. Then he has extended his research to power signal analysis, in particular, automatic detection of electric load using switching current transient signal by applying digital signal processing and pattern recognition techniques.
As awards he has obtained University Prize for Academic Excellence from University of Peradeniya in 2002 and Mahapola Higher Education (Merit) Scholarship for the meritorious performance in Advanced Level Examination.
He is a Member of the IEEE, Associate Member of the IESL and Member of Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association (ASSTA).
- Automatic speaker recognition
- Automatic electric load identification using signal processing techniques
- Automatic forensic speaker recognition
- Speech signal processing
- Biomedical signal processing
- Pattern recognition