Mr. Balasubramaniam Nilakshan
Lecturer Probationary
Department of Civil Engineering
(On study leave for PhD at University of East London)
B.Sc.Eng(Hons)(Jaffna), M.Sc.Eng (UK), AMIE(SL)
Research interests : Coastal Engineering, Ground water pollution and remediation, Water and waste water treatment, Porous concrete
nilakshan@eng.jfn.ac.lk +94 21 206 0160
Eng.B.Nilakshan graduated from University of Jaffna in 2017 with B.Sc.Eng (Hons) degree in the specialization of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He received his M.Sc. degree in Water Engineering in 2019, from University of Sheffield, UK. He has worked as a temporary instructor in Faculty of Engineering, UOJ and as a temporary assistant lecturer in Faculty of Technology, UOJ. Currently, he is working as a Lecturer (Probationary) attached to Department of Civil Engineering. He is an associate member of IESL and a graduate member of ICE.
Research interests:
- Coastal Engineering
- Ground water pollution and remediation
- Water and waste water treatment
- Porous concrete