Simulation laboratory in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering University of Jaffna, is currently equipped with 46 high-end PCs.
The lab is having state of the art facilities to provide hands-on experience for students those who are following under-graduate program and carrying out research activities.
The laboratory facilities are primarily used for the following subjects/ modules. The list of software tools used in these modules are listed below:
![](/wp-contentuploadslaboratoriessimulation-labSimulation lab.jpg)
Module |
Software tools | |
1 | Digital Signal Processing (EC5011) | Matlab & Simulink |
2 | Optical Communication (EC9100) | Gain Master |
3 | Power System Control and Stability (EC9020) | Matlab & Power world |
4 | Electric Power (EC4030) | PSCAD |
5 | Power Systems (EC6030) | Power world, Matlab & PSCAD |
6 | Communication Network Design (EC7090) | Radio Mobile, Boson Netsim, Opti System, Atoll, and Matlab |
7 | Power Electronics and Design (EC5051) | NI Multisim Circuit Design Suite |
8 | Electricity Generation From Renewable Energy Sources (EC9030) | PSCAD |
9 | Advanced Electric Machines (EC9120) | Matlab & Simulink |
10 | Control Systems (EC5030) | Matlab & Simulink |
The lab is capable of accommodating 46 students at a time.
![](/wp-contentuploadslaboratoriessimulation-labSimulation lab1.jpg)