Phd Thesis
A.Kanagasundaram, “Speaker Verification using I-vector Features,” phdthesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2014.
International Journals
M. H.Rahman, A.Kanagasundaram, I.Himawan, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Improving PLDA Speaker Verification Performance using Domain Mismatch Compensation Techniques,” Computer Speech and Language, 2018.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, H.Ghaemmaghami, and C.Fookes, “A Study on the Effects of Using Short Utterance Length Development Data in the Design of GPLDA Speaker Veri.cation Systems,” International Journal of Speech Technology, 2017.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, J.Gonzalez-Dominguez, J.Gonzalez-Rodriguez, and D.Ramos, “Improving Short Utterance I-vector Speaker Recognition using Utterance Variance Modelling and Compensation Techniques,” Speech Communication, Jan. 2014.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, M.McLaren, and R.Vogt, “I-vector based Speaker Recognition Using Advanced Channel Compensation Techniques,” Computer Speech and Language, May 2013.
A. Kanagasundaram, “Improving the performance of GPLDA speaker verification using unsupervised inter-dataset variability compensation approaches,” In International Journal of Speech Technology, 2018.
A. Kanagasundaram, “A Study on Pairwise LDA for X-vector based Speaker Recognition,” Electronics Letters, 2019.
International Conference
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and C.Fookes, “DNN based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances,” 2016.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and C.Fookes, “Domain adaptation based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances,” 2016.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, C.Fookes, and I.Himawan, “Short Utterance Variance Modelling and Utterance Partitioning for PLDA Speaker Verification,” 2016.
H.Ghaemmaghami et al., “SPEAKERS IN THE WILD (SITW): The QUT Speaker Recognition System,” 2016.
H.Ghaemmaghami, M. H.Rahman, A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “The QUT-NOISE SRE Protocol for the Evaluation of Noisy Speaker Recognition,” 2015.
M. H.Rahman, A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Investigating in-domain data requirements for PLDA training,” 2015.
M. H.Rahman, A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Dataset-Invariant Covariance Normalization for Out-domain PLDA Speaker Verification,” 2015.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Improving PLDA Speaker Verification using WMFD and Linear-weighted Approaches in Limited Microphone Data Conditions,” 2015.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Improving out-domain PLDA speaker verification using unsupervised inter-dataset variability compensation approach,” in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr. 2015, pp. 4654–4658. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.7178853.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Short Utterance PLDA Speaker Verification using SN-WLDA and Variance Modelling Techniques,” 2014.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “Improving PLDA speaker verification with limited development data,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014, pp. 1665–1669. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6853881.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, J.Gonzalez-Dominguez, S.Sridharan, D.Ramos, and J.Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Improving the PLDA based Speaker Verification in Limited Microphone Data Conditions,” 2013.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, J.Gonzalez-Dominguez, S.Sridharan, D.Ramos, and J.Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Improving Short Utterance based I-vector Speaker Recognition using Source and Utterance-Duration Normalization Techniques,” 2013.
J. Gonzalez-Dominguez et al., “ATVS-QUT NIST SRE 2012 SYSTEM,” 2012.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, and S.Sridharan, “JFA based Speaker Recognition using Delta-Phase and MFCC features,” 2012.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and R.Vogt, “PLDA based Speaker Verification with Weighted LDA Techniques,” 2012.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and R.Vogt, “PLDA based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances,” 2012.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, R.Vogt, M.McLaren, S.Sridharan, and M.Mason, “Weighted LDA techniques for i-vector based speaker verification,” in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar. 2012, pp. 4781–4784. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2012.6288988.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and R. V. M.Mason, “i-vector based speaker recognition on short utterances,” in 2011 International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2011, pp. 2341–2344.
A.Kanagasundaram, R. Valluvan, and A. Atputharajah, “A Study on Solar PV Power Generation Influencing Parameters Using Captured Data from Faculty Of Engineering, University Of Jaffna Solar Measuring Station,” 2018.
A.Kanagasundaram, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, and C.Fookes, “Improving Short Utterance PLDA Speaker Verification using SUV Modelling and Utterance Partitioning Approach,” 2016.
A. A. A. Kanagasundaram R. Valluvan, “ A Study on Solar PV Power Generation Influencing Parameters Using Captured Data from Faculty Of Engineering, University Of Jaffna Solar Measuring Station,” 2018.
I. Himawan, “Investigating Deep Neural Networks For Speaker Diarization In The Dihard Challenge,” 2018.
W.L.M.Fernando, “Long-term Solar Irradiance Forecasting Approaches – A Comparative Study ,” 2018.
W.L.M.Fernando, “Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Deep Learning Approaches,” 2018.
A. Kanagasundaram, “A Study of X-vector Based Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances,” 2019.
S. Prachi, “LEAP Diarization System for the Second DIHARD Challenge,” 2019.
Abeysingha. A.A.K and K. Ahilan, “Electricity Load/demand Forecasting in Sri Lanka using Deep Learning Techniques,” 2021.
Anuraj and Kaneswaran, “Evaluating Deep Neural Network-based Speaker Verification Systems on Sinhala and Tamil Datasets,” 2022.
Jarashanth and Kaneswaran, “Overlapped Speech Detection for Improved Speaker Diarization on Tamil Dataset,” 2022.
Anuraj and Atputharajah, “Micro-grid Concept for Coordinated Control of Renewable Energy Power Plants and a Way to Integrate with Main Grid,” 2022.