International Journals
D.N.Subramaniam, J.Rajapakse, P.Egodawatta, and P.Mather, “Stabilization of stormwater biofilters: impacts of wetting and drying phases and the addition of organic matter to filter media,” Environmental Management, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 630–642.
D.N.Subramaniam, J.Rajapakse, P.Egodawatta, and P.Mather, “Significance of drying periods on nitrate removal in experimental biofilters: Journal of Water Management Modeling,” Journal of Water Management Modeling: Open Source Online Ppublication, 2014.
D.N.Subramaniam, J.Rajapakse, and P.Mather, “Dynamics of nitrate-nitrogen removal in experimental stormwater biofilters under intermittent wetting and drying,” Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), vol. 142, no. 3, pp. 1–12, 2015.
D.N.Subramaniam and P.Mather, “Preliminary stabilisation of stormwater biofilters and los of filter material,” Water Science and Technology (Published online), 2016.
T. V. Subramaniam D. N. Logeswaran T. and N. B., “Dynamics of Clay Particles in Non-vegetated Stormwater Biofilters. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution,” p. 302, 2018.
National Journals
U.Pasqual and D.N.Subramaniam, “Porous concrete: Review of feasibility for pavement construction,” IESL Northern Provincial Chapter Transactions, 2015.
International Conference
D.N.Subramaniam, J.Rajapakse, and P.Waterman, “Bioretention basins for decentralised stormwater management in regional Australia,” 2014.
D.N.Subramaniam, P.Egodawatta, P.Mather, and J.Rajapakse, “Stabilisation of experimental bioretention basins during intermittent wetting and drying,” 2014.
D.N.Subramaniam, P.Egodawatta, P.Mather, and J.Rajapakse, “Significance of intermittent wetting and drying periods and the organic material in the filter layer on nitrate removal in bioretention basins,” 2014.
National Conference
D.N.Subramaniam et al., “Seasonal Changes and Coastal Erosion in the South-Western Part of Sri Lanka,” in Proceedings of ERE, 2008, vol. 1, pp. 37–40.