International Conference

Ratnakumar Rajan and V. Shanmugarajah, “Low Cost Portable Wind Power Generation For Mobile Charging Application,” 2018.
M.P.S.Wijethunga, “Proper Grid Voltage Control for Distribution System with High Solar PV Integration,” 2021.

National Conference

N.Ravindran and A.Atputharajah, “Distributed Control of Renewable Energy Plants together with Existing Generation and Loads,” 2021.

International abstract

R.Rajan, “Fault ride-through of grid connected photovoltaic solar system,” 2019.
N.Ravindran, “Coordinated control of statcom with distribution network devices for wind farm integration,” 2019.

National abstract

N.Ravindran and A.Atputharajah, “DC Machine Based Wind Turbines for Extracting Electrical Energy from Renewable Energy Resources,” 2020.