International Journals
T. Mayooran and E. Light, “Applying the Successive Over-relaxation Method to Real World Problems,” American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, PP 113-117, vol. 4, no. 4, 2016.
M. Rahman and T. Mayooran, “Simulated Tests for Normality,” International Journal of Statistical Sciences (IJSS). 15, 2017.
M. Thevaraja and M. Rahman, “Regression Analysis Based on Copula Theory- by Using Gaussian family Copula,” International Journal of Statistics and Reliability Engineering, Vol. 6(1), pp. 24-28, (ISSN (P): 2350-0174; ISSN (O):2456-2378), 2019.
International Conference
A. R. Mayooran Thevaraja and M. Gabirial, “Recent Developments in Data Science: Comparing Linear, Ridge and Lasso Regressions Techniques Using Wine Data,” 2019.
M. Thevaraja and A. Rahman, “Assessing Robustness of Regularized Regression Models with Applications,” 2019.
National Conference
T. Mayooran, “Choice of distribution model for fitting annual extreme rainfalls in Colombo District,” 2011.
T. Mayooran and A. Laheetharan, “The Statistical Distribution of Annual Maximum Rainfall in Colombo DIstrict,” 2014.
International abstract
L. A. Mayooran T., “Modelling a probability distribution for extreme rainfall events in Colombo, Sri Lanka,” in Proceeding of the Jaffna University International Research Conference 2012, PP 192, 2012, p. 192.
M. T., “Copula Theory and Regression Analysis,” 2018.