Dr. K. Ahilan
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Machine learning and Signal processing have undergone tremendous growth in the past few years. Machine learning is the process of teaching computer systems using data to make inference and accurate predictions. Machine learning & signal processing group at Faculty of Engineering, University of Jaffna focuses on research and development of state-of-the-art systems.
Machine Learning & Signal Processing research group has been established in 2019 with approval of the faculty board and senate of the University of Jaffna.
To assist undergraduate and postgraduate students to conduct research in machine learning & signal processing area.
To collaborate with academics and researchers of the Faculty of Engineering.
To extend the collaboration with academics and researchers from other faculties of the University of Jaffna, other national and international universities and industries.
To enhance a conducive research environment among the members.
Contribute to the development of state-of-the-art machine learning based systems at the University of Jaffna.
To prepare proposals in the machine learning & signal processing area and attract more funding from national and international funding agencies.
Membership of the group is open to staff of the Faculty of Engineering who embark on research in the context of machine learning & signal processing. The membership will be confirmed by the administration of the group upon evaluating the application.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
RIC Project - Faculty of Engineering
RIC Project - Faculty of Engineering
The research group may apply for research funds from University, national and international funding agencies. This could be organized by individual members, coordinated subgroups in the research group or the group in its totality. Any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed upon collaboration with external (national or international) institutions or industry may strictly adhere to the Legal Codes of the University of Jaffna, duly signed authoritative signatories. Allocation of funds raised and coordination among members is considered the prerogative of the principal investigator.